Tuesday, July 7, 2009

One Vote for the Next Five Years

Today is a big day for this country.
Today, we give our vote for the next leader.
The next five years of this country.

For me it’s even more special, because it’s my first time ever to vote. I was eligible to vote five years ago, but I was at Australia at the time and I couldn’t be bothered (plus I didn’t really know what to choose). I didn’t vote for the legislature election two months ago because I was at Singapore at the time.

Lately, I’ve come to a realization of how important it is to vote (I give most of the credits to USA’s Presidential Election). Even one voice counts! One voice helps shaping the future of this country, and most importantly how it will affect me as a citizen.

So off me go to the election booth this morning, a short walk under the clear blue sky with my family.

DPT: 195, TPS:37 Kelapa Gading Barat, Jakarta

I was a little confused by the procedure at first, since it was my first. And it was a little bit overwhelming when I put the big tick on the ballot. But after I dipped my finger (the middle one) into the ink, it felt somewhat different.

The Ballot. I think they should have used blue marker, no?

The inky right middle finger

It felt great!

Like I was actually taking part of something bigger! I couldn’t really describe it with words… But… Okay… Most of you already know that I complain a lot! And now instead of just standing there and complain all day, I’m actually doing something. I’m responsible of something. And if in the end there will be any complains coming from me, at least I have the right to do so because I was there in the beginning.

And most of all I’m proud to take my responsibility as a citizen *giving myself a big pat on the back*.


  1. congrats..! you're a responsible citizen of the country! now go get freebies for voters yay..!

  2. I did get my freebies, free Atmosfear ride :)
